Oh my goodness, I just said it...profit. So what? It's perfectly fine. Most of us are in business to make a living and those of you who work for non-profits reap the rewards of knowing that what you are doing is helping the cause you are fighting for. Many of our clients are small businesses owned by sole proprietors or family-owned businesses or LLCs run by only a handful of people. I hear a lot of them say, "we don't want to charge more because we are afraid we'll lose our business to the guy down the street." If you have a quality product or service, stand by it and value YOUR time. If you don't, how do you expect your customers to? Of course you have to do your homework and figure out what it takes to effectively run your business or organization and then charge accordingly. From my experience, those customers who shop solely based on price will flee to the cheapest place every time, ALL the time. Not the kind of clientele you're probably looking for anyway. Find people who appreciate what you do (they are out there) and in return show your appreciation by providing them with top notch products and/or service. A friend of mine sent me the picture above which I think sums it up best. Remember, profit is not a dirty word.
I think this is my favorite post so far--SO TRUE to everything you said. If you have a quality product, people WILL pay for that and those are the kind of clients that will also keep coming back.