It happens to the best of us...we ALL make mistakes. Like mama always said, it's not a bad thing as long as we learn from them.. Well, I made one this morning while working on an order for a good client of ours. People often ask, "what do you do when you mess up?" So rather than hide in a corner in shame for the blunder, I've decided to share the boo-boo and the fix with all of you. While embroidery is fairly permanent some times we can find a solution.
So what happened you ask? One of our machines got hungry and ate one of the shirts! It happens every now and then....machines can get fussy too. See image below.
The machine left a 1/4" inch hole in the middle of the diamond |
This is how the final logo should look with the color of the shirt showing through the diamond. |
Rather than panic, freak out and shout profanities at an inanimate object, I thought to myself WWMD (What Would Mama Do? And ding, ding, ding...this is what I came up with. I added an extra layer of backing to the design to give back some stability it lost from the missing piece of material and digitized a fill of the diamond in the same color as the shirt. While this increased the stitch count quite a bit, it was a small price to pay to correct the mistake. Check out how it turned out....
TADA! All is good in the world again. :) |
On to the next order, hopefully the machine has had enough to eat! BTW, if you are ever in the market to buy or sell jewelry or precious stones, gems, art etc., please do see John at the Honolulu Trading Company on Pensacola...some of the nicest people you'll ever meet. :)
Thanks for reading!